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Break the Stigma Event
We are proud to have partnered with the Chesapeake General District Court Clerk’s Office to host the first annual Break the Stigma event. Thanks to our community, we raised over $4,500 to benefit 3 organizations in that provide mental health support in our community - Trails of Purpose, Cypress Landing Chesapeake, and the The Sarah Michelle Peterson Foundation.
CBA Community Coat Drive
Thank you to all of our members that donated coats to benefit Buffalow Family and Friend’s Warm and Fuzzy Coat Drive! We provided over 40 coats that will be provided to children in need throughout Chesapeake.
Covid-19 Mask Initiative
The Chesapeake Bar Association is happy to assist our community and courts by donating several hundred masks for anyone entering the courthouse who may be in need. By providing masks, we hope to reduce the number of cases being continued and help with the backlog from the judicial emergency.
March for Racial Justice
Attorneys with the Chesapeake Bar Association distributed over 500 bottles of cold water to participants in the March for Racial Justice hosted by the Chesapeake Coalition of Black Pastors. Together, we stand in the fight against racism and injustice.
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